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Impact Report. Ten years in search of impact - Impact Finance 2019

Impact Finance is an investment management organization, specialized in impact investing, created since 2010. The main driver of this fund is the concern for the accelerated and growing climate change, the exploitation of natural resources and the decrease of biodiversity. Working for the quality of life of communities living in rural areas and the balance that must be found with environmental care.

For this organization, 2019 was a year of great challenges and a lot of learning to remain focused on the advancement of agribusiness platforms. Impact finance managed to concretize and make a consensus of rigorous methods that allowed them to take two important steps: first, they decided to reformulate their kharmax rating tool as a "universal" environmental analysis that rates each company associated with a standardized list of indicators. Secondly, they introduced specific reports for each sub-strategy using the Impact Management Project (IMP) methodology, which optimizes monitoring and improves the impact of investments. In addition, this year the Kaleidoscope team was fortunate to integrate and work on the communication design of this valuable organization. It is important to highlight that for Impact Finance the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) remain at the center of the impact strategy.

Nuestro trabajo

Desde el principio nustro objetivo fue contruir un discurso gráfico original y coherente que representara el fondo y que le permitiera ser facilmente reconocible frente a otros fondos con objetivos y mercados similares. De igual manera, nuestro objetivo era conseguir un estilo que fuera flexible y dinámico, permitiéndonos desarrollar nuevas piezas de manera fácil y rápida, respondiendo a las necesidades siempre cambiantes de esta industria.

Para comenzar desarrollamos un sistema de íconos para representar las diferentes subestrategias en las que el fondo se enfoca. Definitivamente queríamos distanciarnos de los íconos pre diseñados altamente usados dentro de la industria y nos descidimos por composiciones hechas a partir de fotografías en blanco y negro con ilustraciones vectoriales.

Siendo este fondo especializado en la producción orgánica y sostenible de verduras, frutas y granos, vimos una oportuniodad enorme de explotar todas aquellas texturas.


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