The overexploitation of natural resources, climate change and the depletion of biodiversity are the challenges that Impact Finance has been working on since 2010, achieving important sustainable development objectives in rural areas.
This is why Impact Finance created its impact management system based on the Operating Principles for Impact Management. The main focus of Impact principles is to work on four fundamental challenges in rural areas: living conditions, public health, natural resources and global warming. In this way and under these parameters, Impact Finance works to reduce social inequality and damage to ecosystems, being part of the community of investors that manage with great quality the social and environmental impact they work for.
The objective of these principles is to work on four fundamental challenges in rural areas: living conditions, public health, natural resources and global warming. In this way and under these parameters, Impact Finance works to reduce social inequality and damage to ecosystems, being part of the community of investors that manage with great quality the social and environmental impact they work for.
Nuestro Trabajo
El aporte de Calidoscopio en el diseño de comunicación del reporte de impacto, se basó principalmente en la unificación de la información y el discurso gráfico para la creación de un documento que cumpliera la finalidad de exponer de manera clara, organizada y detallada los parámetros en los que se orientó la organización y el impacto positivo que tuvo Impact Finance en el 2020. Es importante resaltar que Calidoscopio trabajó minuciosamente en el equilibrio del texto y los aspectos gráficos que hicieron armonizada su visualización en un formato digital.
Our experience
For Calidoscopio, being part of this type of projects will always be rewarding, not only professionally but also personally. It is an inspiration for us as a team to continue to be involved in projects such as those developed by Impact Finance, to be able to contribute in some way and from our work in environmental and social changes that are so relevant today is a motivation that is present every day. Our purpose in this type of projects will always be to effectively complement the work of organizations that are so fundamental for society.